Sunday, February 7, 2010

what's the buzz...

you know that old saying, that it took 24 years to become an overnight sensation??

that's kind of how we're feeling.
almost 4 years now - and it still amazes me when someone comes in and says "i never knew you were here!" I also know we're not the only business on the coast that goes through this phenomena...

the coast is NOT that big...
how is it that we don't all know about what's going on here?

i'm curious to know how YOU find out what's going on or where to go for things you need... do you read the Coast Reporter, the Local, Sunstream, Just Business, Coast Life? do you check the ads in Good Morning Sunshine? Do you listen to CKAY or CVUE? do you rely on Duane Burnett's blog? do you check the Coast Reporter's new site that sometimes has breaking news? do you use the Coast Cultural Alliance's calendar? what about or

do you seek out posters, and check the stacks of handbills at various checkouts all over town? do you ask friends? study facebook & twitter? focus only on the people you know and do what they do??

it's a conundrum for us, as business owners. HOW do we get our word out without wasting money... is WHAT we say as important as WHERE we say it? do you respond more to pictures than words? how much information do you NEED to make a buying decision? What DON'T you want to know? What will make you try something new - do you wait for everyone else to try it first? do you decide by price? location? logo colours? philosophy? proximity to other things you need?

your insights & opinion... and suggestions... are very welcome and encouraged... we need to know!

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